News Forums Nutrition Ask Nutritionist weight loss and body fat percentage

2 replies, 2 voices Last updated by Anonymous 8 years ago
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  • #11633

    Karma Coins: 0

    I posted this a few weeks ago under a different category but didn’t hear back. Maybe it was under the wrong one. Anyway, I thought I’d ask the nutritionist and see if you had any insight:
    I have an electronic scale that measures my body fat percentage. As my weight has gone down on this plan (yay!) my body fat % has gone up. I keep a weight loss journal and I have been very good at sticking to the program without any variances from phase 1. Does a low calorie plan like PS1000 mean I am burning muscle instead of fat? How can I reverse this?


    Jessica Romeo
    Karma Coins: 17 256


    So first of all there are many variables going on here. The electronic body fat scales in my opinion are not very accurate in the first place, the best bet is to get your body fat measured either by calipers at your Dr’s office or a gym by someone who is trained in how to do it correctly. If you do a low calorie program long term you could lose muscle mass. However to avoid that, don’t dip lower than the recommended calorie amount, don’t go longer than the 90 day recommendation for phase 1. Also if possible try to do some weight training, or even body weight movements. This will help you gain muscle mass, burn fat more efficiently and be overall healthier. If adding in exercise make sure to increase those calories with approved foods. Also, be sure to check with you Dr. before starting any new programs.

    Does this help a little?


    Karma Coins: 0

    Thanks Jess. That helps a lot! I’ll ignore the scale reading and make sure I get the resistance training/weights in as part of my exercise routine.

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