News Forums Nutrition Sweets/Cravings What do I do about my socially acceptable sugar addiction?

26 replies, 14 voices Last updated by Vanessa Niemi 7 years, 11 months ago
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    Jessica Romeo
    Karma Coins: 17 256

    I would steer clear of the cacao bits because they will likely contain some sugars as well as a little fat. Do you know the exact brand? I can look up label. Frozen fruits are a fantastic treat idea!


    Marina Gvozdic
    Karma Coins: 1 025

    Hi Jessica,
    cacao bits are just raw cacao beans broken into pieces, Navitas or any other…
    Yes for the frozen fruits 🙂
    Totally love PS1000 metabolic burst!


    Jessica Romeo
    Karma Coins: 17 256

    I think on occasion the cacao bits would be OK…but not everyday…leave them for a day in which you have more of a sweet tooth. Frozen blueberries are a fantastic treat!


    April Larkin
    Karma Coins: 7 020

    Sugar is my demon. If I buy bag of candies they would all be gone. Cookies are my worst so really trying to do this cold turkey for phase 1,


    Jessica Romeo
    Karma Coins: 17 256

    Yes I think for some it is best to just completely keep all sugar out, especially if you know you can’t control the urges, besides at the end of this plan the goal is to have zero cravings for sugar. It is good that you know this! You will do excellent on the plan 🙂


    Lynda Bryce
    Karma Coins: 1 995

    I find it is like any other addiction or craving for me. I have no problem staying away from sugar all day until just after dinner and then I get this horrible, immediate need for something sweet. What I do is fight it and make myself wait and before I know it I have forgotten about it. It is that old habit from childhood of having dessert after dinner. It so crazy has things become ingrained and stick with you for years. this is how I cut down on my smoking and am close to being completely done with it.


    Jessica Romeo
    Karma Coins: 17 256


    I completely know your struggle! I go through that as well. Some things I do are to save a serving of fruit until after dinner so as to satisfy my sweet craving. Another thing I do is spend a little time on a hobby, or read. Those things take your mind off of food much more than watching TV. Great job on cutting down on smoking! That is fantastic news 🙂 I bet you feel a lot healthier having done so!

    Have a fabulous week to come!


    Karma Coins: 0

    My biggest struggle comes right before bed. I am able to keep off the sugar all day long and don’t even miss it as an after dinner necessity that I used to indulge in. But once the lights go out and I find myself tossing and turning and craving something to help me get to sleep. I am wondering if this is a mind over matter issue or if I really am physiologically needing something because of a long standing habit. I know sleep is important to the weight loss journey so I am really looking for something to help me get over this bump.


    Jessica Romeo
    Karma Coins: 17 256

    Try eating your most calorie dense meal in the evening. This will help you to crave less in the later hours of the day.


    Carol Pfeiffer
    Karma Coins: 2 590

    I still have some of the homemade chocolate toffee in the house that was left-over from Christmas. After sticking to the plan 100% for my first week of the program, I let myself have a very tiny bite of toffee a few days during the second week. While it still tasted good, I was surprised to find that it wasn’t nearly as wonderful as it was before I started the program.

    Apparently cutting out the added sugar really has changed not only my cravings but my taste for my old favorite. I’m just in my fourth week. I still have a mental craving some of the time, but I really don’t have any of the “I REALLY want ____” cravings now. It really does seem to be getting easier. Pretty amazing to me.


    Paula Gunning
    Karma Coins: 5 345

    Fresh fruit, protein shakes, and almond butter satisfy my craving for sweets most of the time. I include it as part of my evening meal. I agree with the lemon-water trick-it can take the edge off. I’ve also made applesauce in the microwave with cinnamon and nutmeg. When I took a bite of something forbidden recently, it was not as good as I remembered-I actually spit it out!. I have much better control now that I have slowed down and actually taste what I eat. I wish that I could chew gum. It always sticks to my braces, so I’ve given up on it.


    Vanessa Niemi
    Karma Coins: 9 110

    I LOVE sugar. My husband calls me his little hummingbird.
    I use water and lemon, fruits, and teas. Some teas have a sweet flavor to them that for some reason eases the cravings. My favorite is an oolong called Blue Beauty. It is a blend made in my area, but available online.
    Also, there is a glass water bottle available that has a basket in it where you can put fruits. Options to try in your water:
    Lime and cucumber
    Lime and mint
    Pineapple and mint
    Cucumber and mint
    I’d love to hear more suggestions on water flavoring with fresh fruits and herbs!!

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