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Angela Hensley replied to the topic I Need All the Encouragement I Can Get!!!! in the forum Newcomers Start Here 6 years, 9 months ago
If I can do this program, anyone can do it. I have tried many ‘diets’ with disappointing results. This program leads to a lifestyle change (mostly in the way we think about food). Read and re-read the book, do what it says, and you will succeed. There’s tons of support on the Facebook forum for the hard days. You cannot fail if you don’t quit. Y…[Read more]
Angela Hensley replied to the topic Protein Powder in the forum Newcomers Start Here 6 years, 10 months ago
Good to know.
Angela Hensley replied to the topic HOLA! in the forum Newcomers Start Here 6 years, 10 months ago
Hola Tracy!
Angela Hensley replied to the topic For anyone unclear on when to take the drops in the forum Newcomers Start Here 6 years, 10 months ago
Hi Irka and welcome to the program. There are B vitamin drops (yellow label) that the program recommends taking once a day, so you use a lot less than the burst drops. You can find them on this website at the Member Store or on Amazon.
Angela Hensley replied to the topic Brain over binge, how to take control of overeating? in the forum Motivation 6 years, 10 months ago
I found that once in awhile I would have a cheat meal (special occasion) and I would see it as a license to ‘binge’ on refined carbs and bad fat. After I would physically feel horrible, drowsy and sick to my stomache. I used this as motivation to keep eating clean because I feel so much better when I do. Not that an occasional cheat meal is the…[Read more]
Angela Hensley replied to the topic New comer in the forum Newcomers Start Here 6 years, 10 months ago
This is the way I started:
1) got the book and drops
2) read the book (its thin so easy reading)
3)planned my meals and shopped (use the the 7 day recipe guide) or get ideas from forums. Get a good protein powder.
4) decide on a start date and follow the approved food list, drink lots of water, take drops 3x a day.It’s seems like a lot at f…[Read more]
Angela Hensley replied to the topic Back at the beginning in the forum Phase 1 6 years, 10 months ago
Good for you for not giving up on yourself! This is hard but you’re totally worth it!
Remember your not alone in this. We’re all here to support each other. You can do it this time!Angela Hensley replied to the topic Steel cut oats in the forum Ask Nutritionist 6 years, 10 months ago
Not for Phase 1. But I believe you can add oats back in for phase 2.
Angela Hensley started the topic Report of Hacker on this Forum in the forum Problem With a Website? 6 years, 10 months ago
To Ps1000 web page staff,
Somebody with name ‘lentaden lentaden’ is posting a bunch of nonsense all over this platform. Please check out the posts and and take appropriate action.Angela Hensley replied to the topic Hello! in the forum Newcomers Start Here 6 years, 10 months ago
I had the same questions when I started. You can find many suggestions by searching this forum. I found it to be more difficult searching the PS1000 forums though. The Facebook forum is much easier to search just by putting the key words ‘protein powder’ in. You can find the search button at the top of the Facebook page. Hope this helps and…[Read more]
Angela Hensley replied to the topic Week 2/Phase 1 in the forum Phase 1 6 years, 11 months ago
Thank you for your encouragement I had stomachs isssues end of last week too and it was hard to stay on the plan. But I’m starting week 5 with renewed focus. The support on this and the Facebook forum has been invaluable. I don’t beat myself up for failure like I used to. I just start again. Happy clean eating to all!
Angela Hensley replied to the topic Weight gain? in the forum Food Substitution 6 years, 11 months ago
I think it’s possible for our weight to fluctuate a pound or so on a daily basis. This is the downfall of weighing ourselves daily instead of weekly. Ive been discouraged myself to have gained a pound or lose none after much hard work. Hang in there! Usually in the next day or two you’ll start losing again.
I also examine my day and find som…[Read more]Angela Hensley replied to the topic Week one in the forum Before & After … and In-Between 6 years, 11 months ago
Congratulations! Keep up the good work! I’m starting my third week and am amazed at the results too. But I haven’t incorporated the exercise yet. It’s good to see that it can be done. Thanks for sharing.
Angela Hensley started the topic Hormonal in the forum Newcomers Start Here 6 years, 11 months ago
I’m peri-menopausal and have put on 20 lbs in just the last year. I hope this program can balance out my crazy hormones.
I started PS1000 2 weeks ago and have lost 12 lbs of it already! My weight loss goal is 50 lbs so I still have a way to go. I’m super excited and I already feel better. My only concern is that I’m starting to get headaches at…[Read more]Angela Hensley replied to the topic ps1000 compliant protein powders in the forum Ask Nutritionist 6 years, 11 months ago
Just started the program and received my first order of Quest Protein Powder. I was surprised to see Sucralose as an ingredient. The book says to avoid artificial sweeteners as it could interupt weight loss. I’m a little confused about this. Is it because the quantity is negligible?
Angela Hensley became a registered member 7 years ago