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Anthony Swinsinski replied to the topic Vegetarian meat substitues in the forum Vegetarian 8 years, 4 months ago
i would definitely appreciate the digging, and i appreciate the response.
Anthony Swinsinski started the topic Vegetarian meat substitues in the forum Vegetarian 8 years, 4 months ago
So going through my freezer, I have some morningstar steak strips, morningstar chicken strips, morningstar patties and buffalo wings. I have a few gardein products as well. I guess i am wondering, for the PS1000 plan, it seems that most of the meals include a meat, be it lean steak or chicken or fish, and no pastas, right now they make up the most…[Read more]
Anthony Swinsinski started the topic Vegetarian meat substitues in the forum Vegetarian 8 years, 4 months ago
So going through my freezer, I have some morningstar steak strips, morningstar chicken strips, morningstar patties and buffalo wings. I have a few gardein products as well. I guess i am wondering, for the PS1000 plan, it seems that most of the meals include a meat, be it lean steak or chicken or fish, and no pastas, right now they make up the most…[Read more]