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Dave Aranda replied to the topic Drops in the forum Phase 1 8 years ago
I was wondering same thing..It says 3x daily, but how?
Every 8 hrs would be impossible……If you take in am, then afternoon, then pm it would make sense.
But before bed?, right before, ?Dave Aranda started the topic Looking to begin in the forum Newcomers Start Here 8 years ago
Hello all. I have received my package and am anxious to begin. I may not have the same issues as some of you, though I am looking to remove approx 20lbs of unwanted weight. I used to be able to diet and train, but have fund it increasingly difficult of late, At 6′ and 205, I’m not obese, but have a midsection to lose…
I am looking to set up a…[Read more]Dave Aranda's profile was updated 8 years ago
Dave Aranda changed their profile picture 8 years ago
Dave Aranda became a registered member 8 years ago