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Brad Goudie replied to the topic Starting Your Journey in the forum Newcomers Start Here 8 years, 8 months ago
@kochko Welcome Kimberly this is truly a lifestyle change and not a diet. Wonderful support group here and glad to have you with us.
Kimberly Ochko replied to the topic Starting Your Journey in the forum Newcomers Start Here 8 years, 8 months ago
I am on day 2 and am super excited to re-learn my eating habits. I have used food as comfort in stressful times, or even out of boredom. It’s going to be something new to be conscious of everything I am putting in my body. I am looking forward to feeling better about myself and not self sabotaging myself. I am excited to do something for…[Read more]
Kimberly Ochko became a registered member 8 years, 9 months ago