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Paula Gunning started the topic Danger of Low Potassium in the forum Weight Loss with Health Conditions 6 years, 9 months ago
Low potassium blood levels can increase your risk for a heart attack. Dieting can cause a dangerous drop in potassium. That is what has happened to me. Please read more about it in “Ask a Nutritionist”.
Paula Gunning started the topic Dangerously low potassium in the forum Ask Nutritionist 6 years, 9 months ago
A routine physical with blood work turned up a potassium level of 1.9, dramatically increasing my risk for a heart attack! Careful screening narrowed down the cause to only one possibility: extended dieting. Ps1000 members should be made aware of this possible health issue.
I began ps1000 just over a year ago. After succumbing repeatedly to…[Read more]Paula Gunning replied to the topic Chicken thighs/cooking sprays/power bars in the forum Ask Nutritionist 7 years, 5 months ago
The Kind and Larabars that I used to eat at work contained grains, nuts, and fruits. I think the Kind bars had some type of sugar in them. One Kind bar had chocolate pieces. I thought that some of the Larabars, which contained “all natural, healthy” ingredients, were a little strange, perhaps an acquired taste. I bought them at Walmart, so a quick…[Read more]
T Love replied to the topic Illness set-back in the forum Ask Nutritionist 7 years, 6 months ago
Best of luck. I hope everything goes well for you this time around.Paula Gunning replied to the topic Bloating? in the forum Phase 1 7 years, 6 months ago
Pros-have you tried adding a little stevia and almond milk or almond/cococnut milk to your morning coffee?
Paula Gunning replied to the topic Plateau in the forum Phase 1 7 years, 6 months ago
I first plateaued on week 4.
Paula Gunning replied to the topic Back to business!!! in the forum Phase 1 7 years, 6 months ago
Welcome back! I also took a break-since April! After a series of illnesses, I left for an extended vacation that lasted 28 days. Since returning to this part of the US, I’ve been sick again. There must be something here that affects me. My doctor suggested modifications to the diet that may support my immune system. Today I began Phase 1 again…[Read more]
Paula Gunning replied to the topic Illness set-back in the forum Ask Nutritionist 7 years, 6 months ago
Unfortunately, my immune system seems to be weakened. I had one illness after another. Then we left for a month of vacation, and I felt great. On the drive back, I got sick again. There most be something about this part of the country that I react to in a negative way. Despite everything, my weight is stable. Today I started the diet again, with a…[Read more]
Paula Gunning replied to the topic Feeling in control of my weight and diet in the forum Before & After … and In-Between 7 years, 10 months ago
Both of you, thank you for postings. I’ve been off-diet for about three weeks now due to an extended illness and the consequences of antibiotic use. I have every intention of returning to the ps1000 plan as soon as I am physically able. It’s very encouraging to hear that others have had to take breaks but are also going back to work on their…[Read more]
Paula Gunning replied to the topic Protein powder in the forum Phase 1 7 years, 10 months ago
Slimquick Pure (Chocolate and Vanilla) from Walmart comes close to the required formula and it’s easy to find.
Paula Gunning replied to the topic Illness set-back in the forum Ask Nutritionist 7 years, 10 months ago
Thanks, Lauren. I’ve just finished the antibiotics, which also gave me “the runs”. I’ve been off of the diet for about three weeks now out of necessity and have gained 2 pounds according to the scale. I’m hoping that some of it is left-over bloat. For the next few days, I’ll use probiotics and a little common sense. Then I’ll return to the ps1000…[Read more]
Paula Gunning started the topic Illness set-back in the forum Ask Nutritionist 7 years, 10 months ago
I was unable to eat anything solid for nearly a week-it would go straight through me. After 2 days of clear broth tea, and water, I felt awful. We keep a sports drink in the house for the kids, and I drank that-felt much better. I must have needed electrolytes. After two more days of clear liquids, I was able to have opaque liquids. Protein shakes…[Read more]
Paula Gunning replied to the topic Greek Yogurt in the forum Ask Nutritionist 7 years, 10 months ago
What about having 3/4 cup of Oikos Triple Zero yogurt? 1 cup has 170 calories, and the stevia and vanilla flavor is already in it.
Paula Gunning replied to the topic Coffee Cream vs Cottage Cheese in the forum Phase 1 7 years, 10 months ago
Our local store recently added an almond milk-coconut milk blend -unsweetened. I’m using it in my coffee this week.
Paula Gunning replied to the topic Breakfast Help in the forum Phase 1 7 years, 10 months ago
Hormone-free turkey sausage with sauteed veggies or sauerkraut, yogurt with fruit, grapefruit, cottage cheese with fruit, melba toast or WASA with almond butter or a cottage cheese spread-these are a few I’ve enjoyed. It’s also easy to put fruit, water, and protein powder in a blender.
Paula Gunning replied to the topic Breakfast Help in the forum Phase 1 7 years, 10 months ago
Hormone-free turkey sausage with sauteed veggies or sauerkraut, yogurt with fruit, grapefruit, cottage cheese with fruit, melba toast or WASA with almond butter or a cottage cheese spread-these are a few I’ve enjoyed.
Paula Gunning replied to the topic Make ahead breakfast in the forum Phase 1 7 years, 10 months ago
I usually go for yogurt and fruit, a hard-boiled egg, or a poached egg in the morning. Turkey sausage can be done quickly in the microwave.
Paula Gunning replied to the topic Menu planning woes in the forum Phase 1 7 years, 11 months ago
Meal planning got a little easier when I realized that I could eat a large salad of greens plus a protein for lunch every day. Often the protein would be leftover from the previous evening meal: roast chicken, turkey, beef roast. I even prepared ground beef seasoned with my own seasoning mix for a “taco salad”. I’ve also used hard-boiled eggs,…[Read more]
Paula Gunning replied to the topic Multi-vitamins in the forum Phase 1 7 years, 11 months ago
I take Centrum Silver (50+ for women), Spring Valley D-3 (1,000 IU), MegaRed krill oil for omega-3, and Spring Valley sublingual B-complex, all of which are purchased from Walmart.
My doctor also recommended glucosamine/MSM for my bad joints, a calcium supplement, and red yeast rice for my highish cholesterol. I try to have cottage cheese,…[Read more]Paula Gunning replied to the topic Family not onboard in the forum Phase 1 7 years, 11 months ago
Linda, I pray that your husband will be able to change in order to improve his health. I wish mine had after his quadruple bypass, if even just to set a good example for his children. It sounds like he’s at least trying to cut back, and he’s got a wonderful, knowledgeable women beside him to help him make better choices.
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